Faithe and Begorrah! Welcome to all, step inside for a wee pint or two...

Might the door be locked, there's a key under the mat. Come on in and pour yourself a wee bit of refreshment! but remember...soon enough you'll have a crowd o' well wishers at your table and into your bottle!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

BAIL OUT - Give Me a Break!

I felt so strongly about our Economy and this Bail-out Issue I wrote a 2ND letter to our elected Officials. Whether you agree or disagree please just express your opinions to me and to your own elected officials. The letter I sent is as follows:


I again feel I must express my outrage and disgust over this $700 Billion bailout of these institutions that have gotten themselves into this financial crisis. I know you say you are thinking about this but I really want each of you to reflect carefully how you are affecting me, my family and the rest of the citizens of this country that do not have the means or the will to communicate their anger and disgust over this issue. I DO NOT want your lip-service to preclude you from doing the right thing. You are already in office and you have it made no matter how you make decisions for the rest of us. You are not going to leave Congress or the office you hold without financial security. You will have a Congressional Retirement to fall back on. If you are a millionaire it may not be what you are accustomed to live on but you still have a guaranteed bail-out ready and waiting for you when you leave office. You will never be faced with having to choose between paying a utility bill or the mortgage or paying for food for your family or the gas to get you to a minimum wage job. Please pay attention when I tell you, as a Taxpayer, that I, under no circumstances, want this bailout to occur. I am willing to risk my employment, my health benefits, my home and my way of life because of this and I am not of any means to take care of myself financially. I am in no way independently wealthy, I live paycheck to paycheck. As a taxpayer, I want no front door deals or no backdoor deals. No deals at all. I want nothing to do with this at all. I do not want my tax dollars to pay one penny of this! I do not want these corporations to get any breaks at all. This means no tax breaks, no incentives, nothing! They have already done the damage to themselves and to everyone else. Forgive the euphemism but I wish I could slap some sense into you and your colleagues. As an AMERICAN citizen I have had ENOUGH of all these shenanigans. I am an average AMERICAN taxpayer barely able to make it and the only way I can save for my own future is the small 5% I put forth into my 401K (Approx $1500.00 per year) and I am not going to get any help paying my bills or my mortgage except through my own hands and labor. I refuse to be further penalized because I did the right thing financially to own my home, have a car for transportation, and work a 40 hour a week job. Who is going to bail me out if I get into financial trouble? Are you? Are your colleagues? It simply won’t happen. I’ll lose my job, my home, I’ll have to sell my car and either live on the street or live in a mission rescue house. Forgive me if you have heard this from me before but I feel I am forced to continue to belabor the point. Please think very carefully about the future of average AMERICAN citizens such as myself, who your actions are affecting every day! I can’t sleep at night thinking about it and I hope this ways heavily upon your hearts and minds. If it doesn’t then you are in the wrong profession. Like many other AMERICANS I am watching and learning. My TAXES and my VOTE may make or break your next election and I will certainly view your voting records to make my decisions about your future. I am a Democrat if asked but I don’t vote by part affiliation. I vote for who will do the best job and will stop the madness that is going on in Washington, D.C. I beg you to think about this and not make any deals that will allow these institutions and organizations to get my tax money. NO Front-door or Back-Door, nothing!

A Taxpayer and Voter

When emailing this letter I read an interesting essay on the issue of this bailout and if you click here you can read it too.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

This American Economy and My Backside

I recently sent the following letter to some of my elected officials who might be involved or have a say in this $700 Billion-Trillion Dollar Governmental Bailout of all these Wall Street Corporations and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac The Officials representing me in the US Congress are as follows:

Representative Sam Graves of the 6th District of Missouri
Senator Kit S. Bond of Missouri
Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri

The letter I sent each of them is as follows:

As a taxpayer, I am outraged that our elected officials are even considering bailing out an industry that has taken advantage of so many people. If these institutions used unethical lending tactics to get people into mortgages that they could not afford, they did their own disservice to themselves and to the people who accepted their loans. Why should I and my children, my children's children have to pay for the mistakes of these institutions and their leadership, especially when that leadership walks away with millions upon millions. Those CEO’s should have to forfeit those monies in these cases and that money be put toward making their institution whole again. I was always told you learned more of a lesson in failure than that of success. These institutions should have to figure out their own problems and not look to the taxpayer to pull them out of the jam they got themselves into. Our economy is already in a mess and this cannot cause that much more harm. Even so, if it would then I believe it should be allowed to proceed because if one is at the bottom then there is nowhere to go but up. In addition, employee's of these companies’s lost their jobs, their salaries, and their retirements because of it. Who is bailing them out? Is the federal government going to guarantee their losses?
Again, I have to stress the point, why should the CEO's of these companies be able to walk away unaccountable and also multi-millionaires...for the poor decisions they made. If you and your colleagues bail these companies out you are in league with their bad choices and making a bad choice of your own. As a taxpayer I think I have had enough of all of this and I will remember that on Election Day with my vote. I encourage you to do the right thing and not vote to bail these corporations out of their predicaments and allow them to fix their own mess.

A Taxpayer & Voter

Whether you agree or disagree with my viewpoint, I encourage you to contact your elected officials and voice your opinions. I have been a law abiding citizen, I am gainfully employed in a white collar blue jean job. I make just enough to pay my bills but am rapidly seeing any disposable income fading away. I bent over backwards to get a home and a mortgage thru legal and proper channels. I sought assistance thru a first-time buyer program that made sure I had all my finances appropriately organized. I have a reasonable fixed rate 30 year mortgage @5.625%. I have more credit than I need and I have charges I am making an effort to pay down. I live very frugally and certainly without ostentation. I consider myself an average American that is just making ends meet. I don't think I could take on much more and this latest debacle seems too much to stand for. It seems there has been a series of these bad consequences since Bush 43 has been in office and the majority of the time working with a Republican controlled congress. I am not attempting to be political here but seriously I have heard that problems that exist today in our economy have an 8 to 12 year cycle and nothing recently caused the existing problems. 8 years ago ended a Democratic administration that undeniably had the greatest advances in our economy and state of the Union than what experienced in my lifetime of 43 years. It lasted for the 8 years that the Democratic administration was in office. OK, if you go with the 8 to 12 year cycle then some of that came about because of the Republican administration of Bush 41. In all cases we are now where we are and with all the Iraq War expenditures (By the Way, The Iraqi Parliament declared a $79 Billion Dollar surplus this year, I again ask you when is it enough? and America is still continuing to send aid to Iraq, even after this declaration...) These are the facts as I understand them, hearing news and reading articles and watching CSPAN. I am just getting the word out and voicing my disgust and anger over this latest Waterloo...

In the case that you might agree with me...Thank you! I am sure there would be serious repercussions if the government does nothing but I am so sick of the mess our country, AMERICA, is in I am willing to risk the loss of my employment, my health benefits, my retirement and my home if it means we as AMERICANS finally stand up and say enough is enough!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Experiment in Driving

I have been driving since I was sixteen and I am now 44. So if you do the math that has been 28 years. During those 28 years, I have not been a perfect driver and I've had my share of accidents and mishaps involving my vehicles. I have one particular beef with other drivers on the road and I have even made a few notes about it that are now in a box somewhere in my basement. I have often thought of seeking out a federal grant to do a study for the Department of Transportation or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on one simple topic...Women don't make right turns at red lights!!! and I have the empirical evidence to prove it. In my youth and early twenties I became very frustrated at many a stop light in many a state. I began to make a connection to the observations of the actions of others that would frustrate me when I was behind the wheel of my vehicle. I don't know what it is but when I get into my car, I usually always have a destination. That may seem like a funny and it is...but apparently, there are some people that get into their vehicles and have nowhere to go and are in no particular hurry to get there. They are also ignorant of the vehicular laws that govern their state, as well. Case after case, year after year, I have observed cars in front of me at stop lights. The light is red and the car in front of me has their blinker on indicating their intention to make a right turn. The car is also usually in a right-hand turn lane making it abundantly clear that they are indeed intending to make a right turn but for whatever reason they wait till they have green light to make the turn, even though there is not another soul in their driving lane coming or going or the opposing lanes they are perpendicular or parallel to with exception of themselves… In the states that I regularly operate my vehicle (Missouri & Kansas) it is legal to make a right turn on a red light after making a complete stop, of course, and following the regular looking both ways, etc. etc… I have been at a stoplight at 2 a.m. in a residential area when all other good families are in bed fast asleep…It is quiet and when the car comes to a stop all you hear is the blink of the turn indicator and even the chirp of the crickets or frogs in the midst, as well. There I sit…waiting for the car ahead of me to make the right turn and I wait and wait but the car ahead of me lingers until the light actually turns green before they move forward and make the turn. Throughout the late 80’s and early 90’s I began to make observations of this phenomena and would become so frustrated that I would put my own car in park, get out and approach the car ahead of me stopped @ the red light. I would usually rap on their window scarring them a bit…explain the legality of red lights and right turns in this state and ask them (sometimes impolitely) to kindly move their car because I had somewhere to go even if they did not. To be more precise my exact words usually were… “It IS legal in this STATE to make a RIGHT turn on a RED light, so get your ASS on around the corner because I have somewhere to go even if you don’t and you are holding up my progress” I know you may be thinking this guy is some kind of crazy and I am pulling your leg…but its true. I hope even a few of my friends or family will read this and vouch for me in the comments section because a few of them have been in the car with me when this would occur… I am sure to their own horror and fear. I stopped doing this when so many people were being shot by road rage and the like. It was during these times that I made note of the FACT that more often than not it was a WOMAN behind the wheel and not a Man. I came to my senses and began to make more quiet observations. Like I said, I would like to do a federally mandated study on this topic. They give grants for other stupid ideas and this one may actually be of some benefit. I think it goes beyond the idea that Women are more cautious than Men are. There is a reason for a Woman’s stupidity behind the wheel and I’d like to explore the reason’s why. I would like to do the study to examine this phenomenon more closely and maybe relieve a long held frustration of mine. Although I am still tempted to get out of my car…these days I yell out the window or honk my horn. I have had the special occasion to safely follow a car or be followed to a parking lot and it is then that I give them a lesson in Red-Light and Right-Turn Etiquette for their particular State of the Union. I have been known to give them a copy of the Missouri or Kansas Drivers’ Guide and tell them about the Missouri Legislature’s Revised Statutes Chapter 300 Model Traffic Ordinance Section 300.155 or the Kansas Legislature Statute 8-1508 Chapter 8.—Automobiles and Other Vehicles Article 15.—Uniform Act Regulating Traffic; Rules Of The Road and if I could have issued them a citizen citation for their offense, you can bet your ass I would have! In the meantime, I will explore further this idea of a grant or commissioning a study but please, if you are a woman, remember the next time you get behind the wheel there is a reason for it. Also, since you seem to be extra cautious by nature, remember this blog and when you come to RED light, it is OK to look both ways, all ways for that matter, but don't just sit there and wait for the light to turn GREEN when there is no traffic! It might be me or someone like me that is in their car for the same reasons you are and that is to get somewhere. I am never in my car wasting valuable time and not to mention energy in idle waiting for the light to change. I am proactive behind the wheel. Like I said, remember this blog and let the light change in your head instead of on the get your A around that corner because I am behind you!
If anyone has any ideas please send me your comments….

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

There is something Organic in What I am about to Say!

OK, I am stepping on my Soapbox again and this time I have a few things to say about Organic anything... Although I am not a farmer or in the food industry in any way, I am a consumer and I attempt to educate myself where I can. I have been reading lately about Global Warming and reducing our Carbon Footprints everywhere we can. Whether or not I agree totally with the concerns of Global Warming, I see no harm in reducing my "carbon footprint" and saving certain resources for future use and be easier on my wallet. My salary is not keeping up with the cost of living which is going way up each day. There used to be some lag time, some time for adjustment. So, if in any way, I can do this to reduce the price I am paying at the GAS PUMP then whoa! I am getting on that train and riding it, so to speak. For example, Gasoline is $3.49 a gallon today....OK I gotta digress from topic for just a bit on the Gas issue....

No. 1, I have been reading things about how much Asians, Europeans, and Middle Easterners, for gas by the liter and if you calculate it...sure, they are paying exorbitantly by the gallon. They say we have it lucky and should keep our mouths shut. Well, I am not one to shut my mouth. We don't have it so lucky and the cost of fuel ultimately leads to higher prices on everything because we get our goods through TRANSPORTATION. To get things TRANSPORTED you need gas to run the vehicles and if gas is going up so thus will the cost of goods and food. Worse yet many over-the-road Transport Drivers are not paid in equity of the rising gas prices and many will be forced out of the business, adding to your already expensive costs for food, clothes, anything you can imagine that has been TRANSPORTED to your area for you to consume. This is affecting both the rich and the poor and our disappearing middle-class. If fuel costs more for TRANSPORTATION authorities then they will pass the costs on to the consumers where they can.

2ND, No. 2, Asian and European cultures have mass-transit ideals built into their culture and they have smaller spaces to fill and they live closer together and don't live in large spaces to keep freezers full of food or pantries full of dry goods. They live daily because they have to or maybe want to. America is laid out broad and deep. Growing up, our nearest neighbor was a 1/4 mile away if not farther, on the next farm. In towns the grocery, hardware, restaurant, city hall or wal-mart is miles away from my house and there is no bus or subway train to get me to all those places there and back. I point out that in America, not everyone has everything within walking distance and America has not embraced the ideals of the Mass-Transit system. Not that we shouldn't and sure there are these opportunities in the Mega-Cities of New York and Chicago but I think there are very few other Mega Communities that have Mass Transit going everywhere all the time. Los Angeles, New Orleans, St Louis, Miami, Seattle, Kansas City, or Atlanta have bus systems and certain train or other mass transit but nothing that blankets the areas like I've seen in New York or Chicago. There are major gaps and one cannot get everywhere using these systems anywhere but NY. Certainly somewhere like Wichita, KS or Madisonville, LA may have mass transit systems of some kind but I bet I couldn't go from City Hall to wal-mart then over to the Pic-N-Sav and back home again. I bet towns that are big enough like that cannot accommodate transportation like they do in Europe or Asia. There are cabs and transport like that but have you ridden in a cab lately? The price to do that is exorbitant in the smaller communities other than New York or Chicago and they are pretty high at that but for those that have no transportation its a way of life, I suppose. The areas in these American towns and cities are just too spread out and the city father's did not ascertain in the beginnings that this would be a necessary avenue for the growing populations and the gaps remain and will not be filled anytime soon. Also, I am not willing to get on a bus or subway and share-the-ride yet myself. It would take me an extra hour or more to get to places and back again. Although I might be saving the planet, I want my freedom and my sleep more.

3rd, Where is all the oil anyway and why are refineries only producing at minimum levels? Why aren't our Congressmen and Congresswomen asking the hard questions and getting the hard answers? I don't want politically correct answers either. Plain simple answers only, please and...OK, I will digress back to topic about this Organic Food Ideals now...but in reality this is all related, don't kid yourself...anyway, I continue on topic.

I am sick of figuring out what's Organic and what is not. I am not a proponant of Organic Foods but I see no harm in something that is pesticide free...if that were the only issue. I am posting a recent article I read about the Myths of Organic Foods. It is as follows and this article is taken from an MSN Lifestyle Internet Post on 4-11-08. I know that you are thinking MSN is a liberal media outlet or something. That may be but I have several resources listed to cover the conservative and liberal viewpoints...

Myths About Organic Food
By Sarah Z. Wexler

All organics aren't created equal. Here's what's hidden behind the label.

MYTH #1: ORGANIC FOOD IS ALWAYS BETTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.Organics don't contaminate soil and groundwater with pesticides and chemicals like regular farming does, but there's a surprising downside: Since organic farming is only about half as productive as conventional farming, it requires far more land to produce the same amount of food. Dennis Avery of the Hudson Institutes Center for Global Food Issues estimates that modern high-yield farming has saved 15 million square miles of wildlife habitat, and that if the world switched to organic farming, we'd need to cut down 10 million square miles of forest. Less-productive farming could also lead to even less food for the world's undernourished.

MYTH #2: IT'S MORE NUTRITIOUS. Studies keep flip-flopping on this: One found more vitamin C in organic tomatoes than in conventional ones; another found more cancer-fighting flavonoids in organic corn and strawberries. But other studies haven't found organics to have a nutritional edge. What makes the biggest difference in nutrients is how long produce sits on the shelf. Spinach, for instance, loses about half of its folate within a week.

MYTH #3: IT TASTES BETTER. Nobody has been able to tell the difference except in one study of apples, where organics came out ahead. To get raspberries that taste raspberrier, buy produce that's locally grown, is in season, and hasn't been sitting on the shelf too long. Let's face it: Nothing is at its best when it's flown halfway around the world and waxed, then has to spend a week in the grocery store.

MYTH #4: YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE AS CAREFUL ABOUT WASHING IT.All produce, whether purchased from a grocery mega chain or your local organic farm, is susceptible to nasty bacteria, such as E. coli (the news-maker that's also been known to kill people). Soil and runoff water that's contaminated with E. coli-harboring animal poop can get onto produce — particularly melons, lettuce, sprouts, tomatoes, spinach, and green onions, since they grow close to the ground. Your best defense: Wash everything thoroughly under running water.

MYTH #5: YOU'RE SUPPORTING SMALL FARMS OR ECO-COMPANIES. General Mills owns the Cascading Farms brand, Kraft owns Back to Nature and Boca Burger, and Kellogg's owns Morningstar Farms, to name a few conglomerates basking in organics' glow (and dough). And with such high demand (in the past year, the market for organic milk outstripped the supply by 10 percent), these giant companies are importing organic ingredients as cheaply as possible — often from other countries. Whole Foods sold roughly $1 billion in produce last year; only about 16 percent was locally grown. So with all the CO2 spent in transport, some organics have questionable eco-virtues.

MYTH #6: IT'S BETTER FOR YOU.Not if it's organic chips, organic soda, or organic cookies. Cane sugar is still sugar and fried chips are still fried, no matter what kind of compost was or wasn't heaped onto the potatoes. Sorry! WHAT IS GOOD ABOUT ORGANIC FOOD IT'S MORE HUMANE.Much of the country's organic milk and meat comes from small farms, where animals are often given more space to roam than those at larger factory farms. IT MAY REDUCE YOUR RISK OF GETTING MAD COW.Organic meat can't have any animal by-products in its feed, which is a primary contributor to mad-cow disease. IT'S GETTING EASIER.Companies like Kellogg's and Kraft are rolling out organic versions of their cereals and mac and cheese, so it's hassle-free to convince kids and boyfriends to eat it. And with discount superchains like Wal-Mart (the country's number-one seller of organic milk) slashing the organic markup to 10 percent (it's usually 20 to 30 percent), organics aren't just for the Whole Foods elite. HOW "ORGANIC" IS IT? Products labeled "organic" must consist of 95 percent organically produced ingredients, but products that contain only 70 percent organic ingredients can use the phrase "Made with organic ingredients." Read carefully.
End of Article...
On this same issue I have other links to articles I googled or read on my own. I find some reputable and others I do not know but they write supporting or as I see it educated opinions on the topic but who is to say they could all be lying through their teeth. One article is found on the Center for Consumer Freedom Website and you can see it by clicking their link or you can read an article from the BusinessWeek Website by clicking their link or also there is another article found on the Biblelife website; and additionally I found an Organic Life Website that had positive points; there is another MSNBC/BusinessWeek article on Organic foods;
and finally a totally Pro-Organic article slash pamphlet from gives their viewpoints, as well.,%20Myth%20and%20Reality.pdf This last link shows that they are specifically pro-organic and give no truly negative sides to Organic farming.
I also spoke to my Aunt and Uncle recently about this issue. They own a farm and raise Beef-Cattle and Belgian Horses. They are very knowledgeable about farming as they have recently been given the Century award for having a farm owned by the same family for over 100 years. They own my Grandparents farm, the farm my Mom grew up on and I am sure her Grandparents farmed, as well. They tell me that "Organic Beef" is a misnomer and a matter of labeling only. In our state livestock must be vaccinated by state law, in order for the livestock to be sold to the general public and therefore it cannot be "Organic". They do not know how someone can label beef as "Organic" in their state when it is truly not "Organic".

My overall opinion is not a slam of Organic foods or the practices of Organic farming, I am attempting to view it from a "Carbon Footprint" point of view. So all of you Holy Organic New Age Guru types don't be getting your panties in a wad. I am speaking from a wholly Global Warming side of the issue only. Although, I personally think a lot of the "Organic" stuff is just a bunch of hoopla and not as much too it as its commanded to be. That being said and from all that I have read, I feel that Organic Farming is an option and certain aspects of it are probably healthier for you but the "Carbon Footprints" it leaves behind in its wake are more than I care to pursue.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

United States Papal Visit 2008

I was reading a friends blog today KansasCityCatholic and I liked today's post (You can click on the previous to go there or read on). I essentially have all the same information here...anyway, It was simple and informative about some of the official places one could go to on the WWW (World Wide Web) to gain news and information about His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI and his historic visit to the United States including a trip to the White House. To commemorate the event and provide information on Pope Benedict XVI's visit there has been an official website set up by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for the Apostolic Visit to the United States.It is . If you click on that link it will take you there. Today is actually his Holiness's birthday and he is celebrating 81 years. Let us all pray that his visit will bring about wonderful works here in the United States.
There is also a blog set up for his visit and you can click here to go there. Last, if you lucky enough to have an audience with or to meet the Pope there is also a website that will give you pointers on protocol and papal etiquette. You can click here to go there, as well.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My Aunt Shirley, an Angel on My Shoulder...

March 9, 2008 was a very sad day for my family. Due to a horrible circumstance, a wonderful person passed out of our lives while here on earth. My family lost someone very dear to all of us. I made mention of this in a previous post and it is here that I would like to say how much we will miss our dear, sweet, quietly strong, Aunt Shirley. A woman of few words, in my lifetime, but her presence was known just by her being. She was a true lady who would never give her age even if asked. She would just smile and nod and perhaps change the subject, as a lady should. A lot of the time she could say without words, what most of us cannot speak out loud. At her Eulogy, her Minister spoke of the many gracious ways our Aunt lived her life. Having many (a dozen or more, including greats and great-greats) Nieces and Nephews made their own lack of children seem unimportant. People do not have children of their own for many reasons and my Aunt & Uncle's reasons are unimportant to me because they always were the most loving and kind people and I felt all the more special to them because of it.

From what I know of their history together, they met over 60 years ago while working for the same company in the same office. My Uncle Jim asked my Aunt Shirley out several times before she would eventually give him her number. They of course, courted (dated to you and me) and after marrying, my Aunt and Uncle moved in with her parents to save for a home of their own. As I grew up, they have remained in that same home together making a wonderful life for themselves. They were completely devoted to each other and were still holding hands and romantic stuff like that to the end. The nurses caring for my Aunt Shirley were even overcome with tears at the eminent moments before her passing remarking how much my Aunt and Uncle cared for each other, how devoted my Uncle was to my Aunt and one could tell that they were still so much in love after all the years together. I can only hope to find that kind of caring, loving, devoted person someday to spend the remainder of my life with. They still had spats, Uncle Jim remarked that Aunt Shirley would get after him some mornings when he ate breakfast before taking certain medications that needed to be taken on an empty stomach or how during Sunday church services my Aunt might elbow my Uncle in the ribs if he began to doze off and snore a little.

These are just parts of life we all share and I can tell you I am deeply grateful for having had them on my side and a part of my life. The life lessons they gave me by example have taught me much. I guess these things come with age but I did not recognize these lessons until recently. The life lessons I have gotten just by observing my family has made me who I am today. I can now see that when people are surrounded by things that are other than ideal and that is all they have to exemplify...I can see where they can get into trouble. This is not to say that even the most loving and educated people cannot turn out serial killers but I truly believe that where there is love, respect and if you lead others by your good example then you have done something so great that its value is immeasurable. This is how I feel my Aunt and Uncle have influenced my own life. I am reminded of a recent song I heard on the radio by Brad Paisley Titled: "Letters to Me." It is about when he gets older and wants to write letters back in time to himself. Some of the lyrics are as follows:

"If I could write a letter to me and send it back in time to myself at 17
First I'd prove it's me by saying look under your bed
There's a Skoal can and a Playboy no one else would know you hid
And then I'd say I know it's tough when you break up after seven months
And yeah, I know you really liked her, and it just don't seem fair
All I can say is pain like that is fast, and it's rare.

And oh, you got so much going for you, going right
But I know at 17, it's hard to see past Friday night
She wasn't right for you
And still you feel like there's a knife sticking out of your back
And you're wondering if you'll survive*but*
You'll make it through this and you'll see
You're still around to write this letter to me.

At the stop sign at Tomlinson and Eighth
Always stop completely Don't just tap your brakes
And when you get a date with Bridgett
Make sure the tank is full On second thought forget it
That one turns out kinda cool

Each and every time you have a fight
Just assume you're wrong and dad is right
And you should really thank Mrs. Brinkman
She spent so much extra time
It's like *she sees* the diamond underneath
And she's polishing you 'til you shine.

And oh, you got so much going for you, going right
But I know at 17 it's hard to see past Friday night
Tonight's the bonfire rally but you're staying home instead
Because if you fail algebra, mom and dad will kill you dead *but*
Trust me you'll squeak by and get a C
And you're still around to write this letter to me.

You've got so much *up* ahead
You'll make new friends, you should see your kids and wife
And I'd end by saying have no fear
These are nowhere near the best years of your life.
I guess I'll see you in the mirror
When you're a grown man

P.S. go hug Aunt Rita every chance you can."

I liked this song it made me aware of how many things are really good in my life and although I made some bad decisions in my youth, things turned out OK. I think it best to hug anyone you hold dear and let them know they are cared about by you whether you really do or not because deep down you even cared about someone you really implied you didn't, that's just human nature. There may come a time when its too late to let them know anymore one way or the other...That is how I feel about all my friends and family especially, my Aunt Shirley and Uncle Jim. Thanks Aunt Shirley, I Love You and will Miss You for now...until we meet again someday!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Vacations are a Wonderful Thing!

Oh my goodness, I have finally returned from a wonderful visit with my Sister, Niece & Nephew...Brother-in-Law was out of town for his birthday, too bad he missed us but I know he had a good time back home with his friends.

It was Easter yet again and the Mother, the Zoie-dog and I ventured forth into the wilds of Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana via the PT Cruiser to bring our glad tidings to our family and spend a little quality time in the Big Easy.

I am very impressed with my little Cruiser or "Scruiser" as my Niece so eloquently calls it. The "Scruiser" drove a very impressive 887 miles one way (1774 miles RT) and only drew 3 tank fulls of precious petroleum to get us there. I have been unimpressed with the local gas-mileage the "Scruiser" gets. I use 2 tankfuls a week driving back and forth to work (one day - 36 miles RT) and the other etc...things I need the car for and that does not mean I drive more that 887 miles a week. That would be quite the contrary but as it has been pointed out to me, I drive with a heavy foot, and always seem to be in a hurry to get somewhere. Well, I think perhaps that is about to change in light of the ever-present and rising Petrol prices. Say that 5 times fast, uh-huh...

Anyway, the trip was a good one but was preceded by a death in my Family. I am posting a separate post on this as a small tribute to a wonderful lady who was my Aunt Shirley, one of the most gracios people I have ever known. My Aunt and Uncle spent a precious and happy 59 years (almost 60 in June) together and although they had no children of their own they have many many nieces and nephews from both sides of their family who are as much to them and they to us. Our Aunt Shirley is sorely missed by all of us, most especially I am certain by our Uncle Jim. As my family ages, I see myself getting older and want to spend more time with those I love before it is too late and have regrets. Although I can't be everywhere at any given moment I will do my best to be a part of my family and our history together.

As I have said in a previous post, my Sister now lives in Madisonville, Louisiana. A small town on the North shore of Lake Pontchartrain. We had a wonderful visit. The kids are 3 & 4 years old now. You can understand them when they talk to you and are mostly potty trained. These are 2 very important issues in the life a child, as far as I am concerned. I don't mind changing diapers and realize that as they grow older until they have children, it will be some of the last diapers I change in my family, again realizing we are all getting older...its just a new transition and is not an ending but I am somehow saddened by this as well not wanting things to change too much....OK back to the trip....

We had a great time, I again ate @ two of my favorite restaurants in the country; The Broken Egg Cafe and Friends Restaurants. We ate @ each a few times and I again had many of my favorites and a couple of new ones, including the Eggs Benedict, and Bourbon Street Shrimp and an Abita Seasonal Brew called Strawberry Ale, my Mom had her usual O'Douls and my Sister had a drink called the Taubinator. Those were some good groceries I tell ya. While we were visiting my Sister repainted her master bath and redecorated as well. We did a lot of Antiquing and general shopping in the little shops in all the surrounding communities including; Covington, Mandeville, Abita Springs and Madisonville, of course. It was a very pleasurable trip. Easter Sunday brought the Easter Bunny, of course, and Easter Egg hunts and Grandma passed on her childhood tradition of making an Easter Cake with Jelly Bean nests made of Coconut. Our Grandmother did the same for her children and so my Mom passed it down to her children and grandchildren. Although, in light of their ages Grandma chose to make cupcakes instead of a larger 3 layer coconut cake. The kids were just as happy to have a kid sized cake anyway. It was so much fun and we took lots of pictures...

Since everything in Louisiana is a parish instead of a county you can only guess there is a very large Catholic community. The center of the French Quarter is one of the oldest Cathedrals in the country and the oldest in Louisiana, St. Louis Cathedral. In the St. Tammany Parish in the town of Madisonville is the parish church of St. Anselm. We were not able to attend Mass here this year but it is a beautiful little parish church. I especially like to see a Crucified Jesus instead of the more liberal open armed welcoming Jesus on many crosses in Catholic churches across the country. I am more reminded of what Jesus died for when I have to see him Crucified and brings me closer to him in my faith than to see a Jesus welcoming me with open arms...

This parish's Saint has a particularly interesting history. You can read about St. Anselm by clicking here. I hope everyone had as Happy and Easter season as I did. Remember although Easter Sunday has come and gone, the Easter Season is not over there are 15 more days in the season so take some time and reflect on what is that Jesus Christ did for you over 2000 years ago and what you need to do to be more like him...